Tuesday 10 September 2013

Handbag Essentials- Autumn and Winter.

So today I'm going to share what I think are my handbag essentials for the colder months. I will be using these things in Sixth Form, but also take them around with me everywhere and are just general daily essentials.
Firstly, I recommend a cream as hands can get very dry in the colder months. I like this one as you can use it on your hands, feet, body and your face so it's a good all rounder and does the job.
Next, a lip balm is a good idea to avoid chapped lips. This Nivea one is great as it has a slight tint and shimmer to it without taking away from the moisture, so means you don't have to worry about having zombie looking lips, they still look more alive and moisturised at the same time!

A powder is a very good idea in case your foundation wears down or goes a bit shiny, especially good for if you've been running around because you're late! I recommend a compact as it's easier, and this is next on my shopping list, but for now I just carry a powder brush with me.

Next is a body spray and/or deodorant as you want to smell nice and fresh!

This is a pretty mirror that my lovely friend Eleanor gave to me, and it's a handy size for checking makeup and doing quick touch ups. Great if your school doesn't allow makeup, you can put a little (unnoticeable) amount on in the toilet to avoid detentions!

Hand sanitizer- you never know what germs are around! And good to clean your hands before makeup touches to avoid dirt induced breakouts!

I just carry a small brush, bobbles and clips for when my hair isn't behaving, or the wind keeps blowing it into my face!

This is the little bag I keep it all in, along with lady things, tissues and some painkillers, as these are all handy to have too!
I hope this was helpful or insightful for some people,
Lots of Love,
Katie xxx

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