Friday 30 August 2013

About me

Hello everyone, today I thought I'd just share some more things about me!
10 random facts about me:
I'm tiny. I have to buy children's shoes and my head is extremely small.
I cannot go out without a cup of tea first, I just don't wake up!
I'm a bit obsessed with candles and makeup brushes.
I am extremely gullible.
I'm frightened of crowds and masses of people.
I'm very chlostropobic.
I love ballet dancing but had to stop because of a knee injury.
I break very easily.
Me and my friend Emma act like mother and daughter half the time, because she is very tall and has her head screwed on the right way.
I live in England, and between me and Kirsty, we are the definition of British.
And some random questions!
1) What is your all time favourite TV show?
Miranda. Oh how I love her, and Stevie, and Gary and Penny and everyone. If you haven't watched, it's a British comedy.

2) You win the lottery. First thing you buy?
A house for my brother, one for me and give money to charity. Then I would go mad in London shops and go on holiday.

3) Where do you see yourself in 5-10 years time? Job, where you'll be living etc
I honestly have no clue! Probably being a teacher, married in a little cottage with children would be lovely.

4) What is your best beauty tip that you live by?
To cleanse and moisturise instead of using face wipes- at age 13-16 I always used them and it started my acne of... :(

5) What's your favourite thing about blogging?
Being able to talk about everything I don't usually talk about, and to have a space that's completely mine to say whatever is on my mind.
6) You get given one magical power. What would you choose and why?
Basically, to own the Tardis. So time travel, just because it would be awesome.
7) Who is your biggest fashion icon whose style you worship?
Taylor Swift in her early days. I think the country, girly style is lovely and just timeless. Especially her hair and iconic red lip.
8) If your entire makeup/skincare/hair product/clothing collection was destroyed, what would be the first thing you would repurchase and why?
My MAC studio sculpt foundation, because I have horrible skin and need to cover it up.
9) What is the one thing in your wardrobe that you will always wear, no matter what is in style?
Skinny jeans. They're just comfy and go with everything.
10) Who or what inspired you to create a blog?
Zoella; she was the first blogger I discovered, and also Sprinkle of Glitter, as her motivational videos on YouTube are just the best.

11) What is your currrent favourite song, and your all time favourite song?
My current favourite would have to be... Eye of the Tiger by Katy Perry, and my all time favourite is probably Perfect by Pink... just love them both.
12) What is the first thing you do when you wake up in the morning, and the last thing you do before going to bed?
The first thing I do is check my phone and the last thing I do is wee. Yeah that's right, I just announced that on the internet.
Hope you enjoyed this post!
Lots of Love,
Katie xxx

Wednesday 28 August 2013

Along Came Betty Hot Cloth Cleanser: Review

So I mentioned in my beauty Q&A that I wouldn't repurchase the Liz Earle Hot Cloth Cleanser, yes this sounds absurd and is probably controversial as everybody loves this cleanser. However, with extremely dry and sensitive skin, having mild acne, psoriasis and eczema, this product just didn't work for me, however I did like the way a hot cloth cleanser works, so I went on the hunt for a different one, and found this:
The bottle and cloth come in the box.
So I was casually browsing the shelves in Tesco and came across this. The price of this cleanser is usually £3.49 and was on sale for £2.33.Yes it was extremely cheap, but I'm not afraid of cheap skincare as long as the ingredients look good- and these do. This cleanser has Shea butter, cocoa butter and antioxidant cranberry.  I'm not over keen on the packaging, however I prefer the tube to a bottle as I just think it's easier to use all of the product up, and as it was cheap I can't really complain.
The smell of this cleanser is absolutely divine. It has a fresh sent, but isn't too sweet, or fruity, and is definitely not overpowering. It doesn't leave a sent on your face after it's washed off, and the smell is completely natural. The smell comes from the Shea butter, cocoa butter and cranberries, and the mix of the sweet cocoa butter, fresh Shea butter and fruity cranberries creates a near perfect sent. The reason why I'm raving about the smell is because it makes it soothing enough for night time and doesn't wake you up like the Neutrogena passion fruit face washes, but at the same time it is still nice and refreshing for the morning- good, as I like to stick to one cleanser for the morning and night.
Photo of product itself.
The consistency of the cleanser is beautiful. It is very creamy, and almost like a moisturiser, and this makes it perfect for my dry skin. It doesn't foam up which is good because soap suds and foam on dry skin doesn't help a lot. I'd probably stay away from this if you have oily skin, as I think it would be too moisture rich for you. It's lovely to wipe away and makes cleansing really easy.
However, I'm not a massive fan of the muslin cloth that comes with this as it stains quite easily, looses it's shape and isn't the softest one I've tried- but again, for £2.33 with a cleanser and muslin cloth, I can't complain- I'll just be using a softer muslin cloth. Another thing is that it says to avoid the eyes, and it does sting if it gets in. I still use it to remove my eye makeup, but I have to be extremely light handed and careful... not great when you're in a rush and you then have a bright red eye... but that's just me being too lazy to use a separate eye makeup remover...
Overall, I love this cleanser- it takes off my makeup, cleans my skin, and, as the name would suggest, does clean out my pores. I haven't seen a difference in the size of my pores yet, but I wouldn't expect it this early on. However my skin does look a lot brighter and feel much more hydrated, so thanks to this brand "Along Came Betty", which I believe was launched in March this year, for this really good product. The rest of their range looked extremely intriguing so I can't wait to try more out!

Link to the full range:

Direct buy link:
Lots Of Love,
Katie xxx 

Tuesday 27 August 2013

A little beauty Q&A

I thought as this is my first proper beauty related post, I'd do a little fun Q&A to get things started.
·What’s your favourite eye shadow colour to wear?
Neutral browns and sometimes a burgundy in the crease, at the moment my favourites are the MUA Heaven and Earth Palette.

·What’s the one product you wouldn’t leave your house without?
Lip balm, I get extremely chapped lips whether it be summer or winter, so I get really wound up if I accidentally forget it.
·What’s your favourite makeup look ?
 My favourite makeup is my go-to winter look- a creamy white shimmery eye shadow with light pink cheeks and a natural lip... I just think it looks nice when it's all snowy!
·Which feature do you play up the most?
My eyes, I have quite large very green eyes so I like to make the most of them.
·Which feature do you try to downplay/cover up?
Urm, probably my skin... that sounds weird, but I get acne quite badly so I do like my concealer and foundation!
·Your favourite makeup brand, if you could pick only ONE to exist?
I would say MAC, however because it's so expensive, I could never afford to buy variations of makeup for different looks from them... so I'd have to say Maybelline as they're the only drugstore brand that do base makeup pale enough for my skin!
·Which product have you re-purchased OVER and OVER again?
My AVON hair mist, it's like a leave in conditioner and makes my hair look and smell so nice!
·Which product would you NEVER repurchase again and why?
The Rimmel Wake Me Up Foundation... don't get me wrong I love the formulation of this, but the lightest colour is way too dark for me. Also, the Liz Earle Cleanse and Polish, again, love the product but it breaks me out, which is a shame because it was lovely to use :(
·One beauty treatment you would always PAY to have done?
Eyebrow waxing... I'm not too good at shaping my eyebrows, so I like to have them shaped around twice to three times a year, and then I can keep on top of them for a while.
·One beauty treatment you would NEVER pay to have done?
A leg wax... I can do that myself in the comfort of my own home.
·One beauty trick you can share with everyone?
Urm... one would be that Germolene, Sudocreme and Savlon are really good for banishing spots as they don't dry your skin out, don't create oils, and they're antiseptic so they kill all the germs and bad bacteria in your spot... which in turn kills the spot! It's great used with an anti-redness treatment as it doesn't really help with redness, but it does calm inflammation.
·Best advice you've ever been given regarding beauty and makeup?
To use a primer. Up until a few months ago I had never even heard of a primer, and now my new purchase of ThatGal by Benefit is my saviour. It makes my skin look a lot better, even before foundation!
So there's my little Q&A, if anyone has any suggestions for more beauty related posts then please leave me a comment!
Lots of Love,
Katie xxx 

Sunday 25 August 2013

Time goes so fast!

So this week has marked the 4th birthday of my beautiful little niece, Lacey, and all the celebrations have bought along a realisation of how much things change over what seems to be no time at all. So in today's post I take a bit of a trip down memory lane *sniffs*.
Me, my brother and my niece on the day she was born.
 This photo is one of my favourites, as we all just look so happy. Now you're probably thinking that I look about 7/8 in this photo, but I was in fact 13 at the time! This photo makes me happy and sad all at the same time because part of me is happy of how much I have grown as a person, and how much my brother has become an amazing father to a wonderful little girl- but I can't help wish we still had that little baby to cradle and I still had years before I had to go into the adult world! (eek!)
About 3 months ago
 And this is us a few months ago! Now things have definitely changed! My niece is a walking, talking, happy little girl with bundles and bundles of love and is extremely loud! And I've come a long way too, from being extremely shy and trapped in a not very nice circle of friends, to being still shy but surrounded by amazing people who bring out the best in me- and it seems as my niece has grown up, I've learnt to be a responsible adult- too!

Now it's nearly September and my niece is going to start full time school *sniffs again* and looks adorable in her uniform! And that means I have to start back at my Sixth Form in my A2 (final) year- really looking forward to exams, a retake, UCAS and personal statements! Not! And I can't help but think how much time flies! I still remember the day my niece was born, and how everything was a doddle being in lower school, but I'm thankful for how much progress we have all made and if I admit it, am excited to see what lies ahead!
I'm sorry for the rather pukey, babbly post, I hope you've learnt a bit more about me now!

Lots of Love,
Katie xxx


Friday 23 August 2013

How to de-stress after a hard week

Hello everyone, so today's post is going to be about how to calm down after a long hard week, and when better to do it than before a bank holiday?
I'm mainly writing this post because I've had one of those weeks where everything that could go wrong, well, it went wrong! And I find myself needing a bit of downtime before I can even think about my hectic schedule for next week, and I realise everyone gets like this sometimes so how do you snap out of feeling stressed, lethargic and like you're a volcano about to blow? Well I have some top tips!
Firstly, I'd recommend sorting out your schedule- maybe with a notebook or a whiteboard, just jotting down things that need to be done, so it's clearer in your head. Now this may seem like a massive bore, and like you'd be overwhelmed by a long list of things, but it actually helps to be able to prioritise things, and allows you to plan specific times for yourself, and for socialising.

So, once you have some slots for yourself planned into your diary for the week, you'll know that you probably won't be so tired at the end of the next week. Now, I hear you saying, but what do we actually DO to have some well earned downtime? Well, here are some things that I like to do when I'm a tad overwhelmed and stressed:
1) I like to have a nice long bath with some lovely bubbles and have a nice long soak- this helps to calm yourself down, relax, and also to relive tired and aching bodies! After a bath I like to put a face mask on, paint my nails, and basically pamper myself until I feel a bit better!
2) Another thing I recommend is just relaxing in front of a movie with a nice beverage. Sometimes just taking some time out for a movie with a nice drink, whether it be alcoholic (if you're of legal drinking age, mind) hot, cold, fizzy, or just a glass of ice water, can really help to relax you, and movies in a dark room can also help your eyes feel heavier before bed.

3) I love to read when I'm stressed, whether it be a sad book, or a happy one. Sometimes putting yourself in another person's mind can help you forget your own problems- if the character is happy, you're happy for them, and if they're sad, you appreciate your situation a bit more.

4) Music is also another good one for relaxation, whether it be playing music, or just listening to it, it can really help you to calm down a lot after a hard week.

5) Finally, and especially good if you have the day off on Bank Holiday Monday this week, a nice walk in a pretty natural area can really help calm you down. Whether it be walking through a park to get somewhere else, or driving to a nice nature reserve, it really is nice to be outdoors in some fresh air to clear your head a bit!

So, there are all my top tips for de-stressing, either at the end of a hard week, or just after a bad day! I hope that this has helped someone out there!

Lots of Love,
Katie xxx

Thursday 22 August 2013



Hello everyone, so this blog will mainly be beauty and fashion, with many lifestyle and design posts thrown in along the way. I decided to title this Blog "All the little things in life." because I think that it's these little things that make life so special. Little things like a walk in an empty field, or a cup of tea with your mum can really enrich your life. So, who am I, and what do I love in life, besides these "little things"?

My name is Katie Louise and I am 17 years old, soon approaching 18. I am starting my second year of A-Levels this September and am hoping to study History and English to degree level. Besides my love for literature, reading and all things historical, I absolutely love the world of fashion and beauty, and how you can express yourself through it.
I am quite an introvert, and this is why I like to use style as a way to express the type of person I am, without having to say much. I love that putting one outfit together can say so much about you, and so can your bedroom, or house. Walking into my room, you can learn so much about me that you wouldn't already know; like my favourite Bible quotes, and that I have an extreme love for the piano and guitar. You could also learn that I ballet dance, and that I absolutely love flowers and butterflies. I think that the fact one room can express so much about a person is fantastic, and that's exactly why I love style, and fashion.

My love for all things fashion and beauty has recently increased as I find it a way of expressing positive emotions. Instead of looking at yourself in the mirror and detesting what you see, it's nice to be able to be rational. You don't like your freckles? Foundation! You think your hair is bland? Hair dye! Fashion items and beauty products allow us to make ourselves look a bit perkier, and feel more confident in our own skin, and that's why I love them so much! Not because you can hide the natural you, but so you can enhance it along with your confidence so one morning you can look in that mirror and think "you know what, I look great without makeup" and embrace those freckles and blemishes!

I have not yet reached that stage, and still find myself reaching for the makeup bag every morning, but I hope that I will reach that stage, and although I'll always love my makeup and beauty products, one day I'll be less reliant.

So, with this blog I aim to review products, rave about my favourites, talk about self esteem and confidence issues, and also just have a good old natter about whatever it is that's at the forefront of my mind. If anyone has any post suggestions or questions, feel free to comment them below!

Lots of Love,
Katie xxx