Sunday 25 August 2013

Time goes so fast!

So this week has marked the 4th birthday of my beautiful little niece, Lacey, and all the celebrations have bought along a realisation of how much things change over what seems to be no time at all. So in today's post I take a bit of a trip down memory lane *sniffs*.
Me, my brother and my niece on the day she was born.
 This photo is one of my favourites, as we all just look so happy. Now you're probably thinking that I look about 7/8 in this photo, but I was in fact 13 at the time! This photo makes me happy and sad all at the same time because part of me is happy of how much I have grown as a person, and how much my brother has become an amazing father to a wonderful little girl- but I can't help wish we still had that little baby to cradle and I still had years before I had to go into the adult world! (eek!)
About 3 months ago
 And this is us a few months ago! Now things have definitely changed! My niece is a walking, talking, happy little girl with bundles and bundles of love and is extremely loud! And I've come a long way too, from being extremely shy and trapped in a not very nice circle of friends, to being still shy but surrounded by amazing people who bring out the best in me- and it seems as my niece has grown up, I've learnt to be a responsible adult- too!

Now it's nearly September and my niece is going to start full time school *sniffs again* and looks adorable in her uniform! And that means I have to start back at my Sixth Form in my A2 (final) year- really looking forward to exams, a retake, UCAS and personal statements! Not! And I can't help but think how much time flies! I still remember the day my niece was born, and how everything was a doddle being in lower school, but I'm thankful for how much progress we have all made and if I admit it, am excited to see what lies ahead!
I'm sorry for the rather pukey, babbly post, I hope you've learnt a bit more about me now!

Lots of Love,
Katie xxx


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