Friday 30 August 2013

About me

Hello everyone, today I thought I'd just share some more things about me!
10 random facts about me:
I'm tiny. I have to buy children's shoes and my head is extremely small.
I cannot go out without a cup of tea first, I just don't wake up!
I'm a bit obsessed with candles and makeup brushes.
I am extremely gullible.
I'm frightened of crowds and masses of people.
I'm very chlostropobic.
I love ballet dancing but had to stop because of a knee injury.
I break very easily.
Me and my friend Emma act like mother and daughter half the time, because she is very tall and has her head screwed on the right way.
I live in England, and between me and Kirsty, we are the definition of British.
And some random questions!
1) What is your all time favourite TV show?
Miranda. Oh how I love her, and Stevie, and Gary and Penny and everyone. If you haven't watched, it's a British comedy.

2) You win the lottery. First thing you buy?
A house for my brother, one for me and give money to charity. Then I would go mad in London shops and go on holiday.

3) Where do you see yourself in 5-10 years time? Job, where you'll be living etc
I honestly have no clue! Probably being a teacher, married in a little cottage with children would be lovely.

4) What is your best beauty tip that you live by?
To cleanse and moisturise instead of using face wipes- at age 13-16 I always used them and it started my acne of... :(

5) What's your favourite thing about blogging?
Being able to talk about everything I don't usually talk about, and to have a space that's completely mine to say whatever is on my mind.
6) You get given one magical power. What would you choose and why?
Basically, to own the Tardis. So time travel, just because it would be awesome.
7) Who is your biggest fashion icon whose style you worship?
Taylor Swift in her early days. I think the country, girly style is lovely and just timeless. Especially her hair and iconic red lip.
8) If your entire makeup/skincare/hair product/clothing collection was destroyed, what would be the first thing you would repurchase and why?
My MAC studio sculpt foundation, because I have horrible skin and need to cover it up.
9) What is the one thing in your wardrobe that you will always wear, no matter what is in style?
Skinny jeans. They're just comfy and go with everything.
10) Who or what inspired you to create a blog?
Zoella; she was the first blogger I discovered, and also Sprinkle of Glitter, as her motivational videos on YouTube are just the best.

11) What is your currrent favourite song, and your all time favourite song?
My current favourite would have to be... Eye of the Tiger by Katy Perry, and my all time favourite is probably Perfect by Pink... just love them both.
12) What is the first thing you do when you wake up in the morning, and the last thing you do before going to bed?
The first thing I do is check my phone and the last thing I do is wee. Yeah that's right, I just announced that on the internet.
Hope you enjoyed this post!
Lots of Love,
Katie xxx

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