Friday 23 August 2013

How to de-stress after a hard week

Hello everyone, so today's post is going to be about how to calm down after a long hard week, and when better to do it than before a bank holiday?
I'm mainly writing this post because I've had one of those weeks where everything that could go wrong, well, it went wrong! And I find myself needing a bit of downtime before I can even think about my hectic schedule for next week, and I realise everyone gets like this sometimes so how do you snap out of feeling stressed, lethargic and like you're a volcano about to blow? Well I have some top tips!
Firstly, I'd recommend sorting out your schedule- maybe with a notebook or a whiteboard, just jotting down things that need to be done, so it's clearer in your head. Now this may seem like a massive bore, and like you'd be overwhelmed by a long list of things, but it actually helps to be able to prioritise things, and allows you to plan specific times for yourself, and for socialising.

So, once you have some slots for yourself planned into your diary for the week, you'll know that you probably won't be so tired at the end of the next week. Now, I hear you saying, but what do we actually DO to have some well earned downtime? Well, here are some things that I like to do when I'm a tad overwhelmed and stressed:
1) I like to have a nice long bath with some lovely bubbles and have a nice long soak- this helps to calm yourself down, relax, and also to relive tired and aching bodies! After a bath I like to put a face mask on, paint my nails, and basically pamper myself until I feel a bit better!
2) Another thing I recommend is just relaxing in front of a movie with a nice beverage. Sometimes just taking some time out for a movie with a nice drink, whether it be alcoholic (if you're of legal drinking age, mind) hot, cold, fizzy, or just a glass of ice water, can really help to relax you, and movies in a dark room can also help your eyes feel heavier before bed.

3) I love to read when I'm stressed, whether it be a sad book, or a happy one. Sometimes putting yourself in another person's mind can help you forget your own problems- if the character is happy, you're happy for them, and if they're sad, you appreciate your situation a bit more.

4) Music is also another good one for relaxation, whether it be playing music, or just listening to it, it can really help you to calm down a lot after a hard week.

5) Finally, and especially good if you have the day off on Bank Holiday Monday this week, a nice walk in a pretty natural area can really help calm you down. Whether it be walking through a park to get somewhere else, or driving to a nice nature reserve, it really is nice to be outdoors in some fresh air to clear your head a bit!

So, there are all my top tips for de-stressing, either at the end of a hard week, or just after a bad day! I hope that this has helped someone out there!

Lots of Love,
Katie xxx

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