Thursday 22 August 2013



Hello everyone, so this blog will mainly be beauty and fashion, with many lifestyle and design posts thrown in along the way. I decided to title this Blog "All the little things in life." because I think that it's these little things that make life so special. Little things like a walk in an empty field, or a cup of tea with your mum can really enrich your life. So, who am I, and what do I love in life, besides these "little things"?

My name is Katie Louise and I am 17 years old, soon approaching 18. I am starting my second year of A-Levels this September and am hoping to study History and English to degree level. Besides my love for literature, reading and all things historical, I absolutely love the world of fashion and beauty, and how you can express yourself through it.
I am quite an introvert, and this is why I like to use style as a way to express the type of person I am, without having to say much. I love that putting one outfit together can say so much about you, and so can your bedroom, or house. Walking into my room, you can learn so much about me that you wouldn't already know; like my favourite Bible quotes, and that I have an extreme love for the piano and guitar. You could also learn that I ballet dance, and that I absolutely love flowers and butterflies. I think that the fact one room can express so much about a person is fantastic, and that's exactly why I love style, and fashion.

My love for all things fashion and beauty has recently increased as I find it a way of expressing positive emotions. Instead of looking at yourself in the mirror and detesting what you see, it's nice to be able to be rational. You don't like your freckles? Foundation! You think your hair is bland? Hair dye! Fashion items and beauty products allow us to make ourselves look a bit perkier, and feel more confident in our own skin, and that's why I love them so much! Not because you can hide the natural you, but so you can enhance it along with your confidence so one morning you can look in that mirror and think "you know what, I look great without makeup" and embrace those freckles and blemishes!

I have not yet reached that stage, and still find myself reaching for the makeup bag every morning, but I hope that I will reach that stage, and although I'll always love my makeup and beauty products, one day I'll be less reliant.

So, with this blog I aim to review products, rave about my favourites, talk about self esteem and confidence issues, and also just have a good old natter about whatever it is that's at the forefront of my mind. If anyone has any post suggestions or questions, feel free to comment them below!

Lots of Love,
Katie xxx


  1. Thankyou! Yes I would love to!

  2. Wonderful first post...I like your new blog.;-)
    Maybe follow each other on bloglovin?
    Let me know follow you then back.
    Lovely greets Nessa
